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A 3-part wellness initiative
Vi får ofte spørsmål om skogplantingen vi støtter, så vi har samlet noen vanlige spørsmål nedenfor.

“We have a distributed team and Steps makes it easy to gather our people around a meaningful initiative. The employee engagement is unique, compared to previous wellness challenges.
"The employee engagement is unique"
Walk with Purpose
You'll have happier, healthier and prouder employees when you empower them to make an impact with every step. See how we create impact, in partnership with Eden Reforestation.

What are the benefits of Steps?Steps has 6 main benefits: Community - Bring your employees together around a shared purpose, regardless of their location. Health - Incentivise your employees to better health, through the power of movement and sustainability. Inclusive climate action - Include your team in the climate initiative and connect them with the company's sustainability goals. Employeer branding - Stand out as company with purpose, that values community, employee health, and sustainability. Your own company forest - Grow a company forest as a team, and receive updates from the planting site. Simple implementation - Set up your whole organization in minutes, with one simple sharable code.
How does the onboarding work?Steps is designed for easy onboarding and requires minimal administration. You will still have a designed customer success manager to help you along the way. 1. Sign up with Steps for either a 12 week or a 1 year campaign. 2. Receive material to promote to and onboard employees. 3. Employees download the app and signs up with a company specific code. 4. The app requires no instructions or training, steps are counted automatically. 5. See you team get more active and watch your company forest grow.
Why do we plant trees?In the last 100 years, 50% of the worlds forests has been lost due to activities such as timber logging, mining, and agricultural expansion. Deforestation means less habitat for wildlife, fewer natural spaces for people, and fewer trees to absorb the high levels of CO₂ from the atmosphere. Planting trees and restoring forests are among the best ways to draw down carbon from the atmosphere, because they help mitigate the impacts of climate change and contribute to healthy ecosystems that support wildlife and people.
Er du en registrert veldedighetsorganisasjon?Vi er ikke en veldedighet, men en sosial virksomhet. Dette betyr at vi ikke er registrert som en ideell organisasjon. Det kan virke i strid med vårt oppdrag, som er å skape en plattform for å stoppe klimaendringene. Men med ideelle organisasjoner følger det med økonomiske begrensninger - hovedsakelig at vi ikke vil kunne stole utelukkende på donasjoner og offentlige tilskudd for å nå den skalaen vi har tenkt. Bare en selvopprettholdende forretningsmodell er attraktiv for investorer som ofte kommer med dype lommer og betyr at vi kan vokse veldig raskt. Vi driver ellers som en veldedig organisasjon ved å låne de beste elementene som tjener vår sak: offentlig publisering av finansiell informasjon og konsekvensdata. Dessuten er marginen vår på bare 20 % sammenlignbar med den til noen av de beste veldedige organisasjonene.
Where are the trees being planted?Our planting site is on Madagascar, home to one of the world’s rarest and most diverse forest systems. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the islands primary forests are destroyed, impacting people living in extreme poverty. You can read more about our planting site here:
Hvordan kan du bevise vår innvirkning?For karbonkompensasjon publiserer vi pensjonssertifikater hver måned som beviser hvor mange tonn CO2 som har blitt forhindret fra å gå ut i atmosfæren gjennom vår finansiering. Vi kjøper bare karbonkreditter som oppfyller bransjeledende karbonstandarder – først og fremst Gold Standard, men også Verified Carbon Standard. For våre treplantingsaktiviteter vil du motta de tilhørende fakturakvitteringene for kjøp fra våre treplantingspartnere rundt om i verden. Våre partnere blir regelmessig revidert av tredjeparter for å sikre at treplantingen våre fellesskapsmidler blir utført på riktig måte. Ta for eksempel ut denne årlig revisjon for vårt treplantingsprosjekt på Madagaskar.
How does the app track my steps?The app uses your phone’s internal pedometer to track your steps. On iPhones, it syncs with your Apple Health app to automatically pull all of the steps recorded by your phone. This means that any fitness tracking devices connected to your Apple Health app will thereby sync to Steps. On Android phones, it syncs with Google Fit. This means that you have to install Google Fit on your phone for Steps to work.
How can I sync Steps with 3rd party apps?Make sure the 3rd party app are synchronizing with Apple Health or Google Fit. Using Apple Health/iPhone? Follow the videoinstruction on how to connect Apple Health with compatible apps. From Apple Health: Open Apple Health app > Sharing > Apps and Services > Click on the app you want to sync with > Confirm that the app are allowed to write data on steps to Apple Health. .. or you can turn on sync directly from your specific app: Garmin Connect: Open Garmin Connect > Go to "More" > Settings > Connected Apps > Select Apple Health and ensure that its connected. Polar Flow: Open Polar Flow > Go to "More" > Confirm that Polar Flow is connected with Apple Health Suunto: Open Suunto > Go to "Profile" > Partner Services > Apple Health > Connect with Health Verify that steps are synchronizing from 3rd party app -> Apple Health -> Steps app *Fitbit are currently not compatible with Apple Health Using Google Fit/Android? To sync 3rd party app with Google Fit, you have to: Install Health Connect to act like a "bridge" between different apps and Google Fit. Health Connect are currently compatible with these apps. Allow your 3rd party app to sync with Health Connect. Verify that steps are syncing from your 3rd party app -> Health Connect -> Google Fit -> Steps App
Why are Steps not syncing correctly?First, be sure that the Steps app is connected to Apple Health or Google Fit (either Apple Health or Google Fit must be installed on your phone in order to collect the steps from your phones built in pedometer) If you are using 3rd party apps/smartwatch, make sure that this is connected correctly (see point 8 in this FAQ on how to sync with third party apps). Please note that steps only synchronize to the Steps app when the app is opened, as we don't perform background synchronization. Steps and achieved trees sync back to the last update.
What does it cost to plant a tree?The cost to plant a tree varies depending on project type, geographic location, care and maintenance needed, urban vs natural habitats, age of tree seedling planted, and other factors that may be specific to the project site.
Are the tree-planters being cared for and paid fairly?Our partner Eden Reforestation hire people in remote villages in developing countries to grow, plant and guard to maturity native forests on a massive scale. Their “Employ to Plant” methodology results in multiplication of positive socioeconomic and environmental outcomes. Edens “Employ to Plant” methodology aims to: 1) alleviate extreme poverty by hiring local villagers to grow, plant and guard large-scale forests restoration sites 2) provide a consistent income to poverty-stricken communities encouraging economic growth and access to education. 3) restore the environment through reforestation efforts, improving fisheries, agriculture and carbon sequestration.
Why are my steps incorrect on the leaderboard?To ensure steps are synchronized and updated correctly on the leaderboard, you need to open the Steps app. The final results on your company leaderboard, including any bonus trees, are tallied at the end of each day.
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